To date, NHFC Ukraine has helped evacuate, shelter, and support more than 5,000 orphaned and vulnerable children displaced by the current war.
Over 1,000 orphaned children have stayed in western Ukraine and sheltered in various repurposed schools and medical facilities put in place by the Lviv Regional Military Administration and NHFC Ukraine. However, as the war continues, these locations need to resume their previous functions.
With this in mind, on May 1, 2024, NHFC Ukraine purchased and opened our first Hope House in Ukraine with a foster family we extensively trained and continue to support in trauma-informed parenting. Our Hope House program is a residential program for a Ukrainian family willing to take in up to 10 displaced orphaned children. NHFC Ukraine is now raising funds for our second Hope House in western Ukraine as we now have another foster family trained and ready to go and children waiting.
We purchase and furnish these “family-style” homes in western Ukraine and train foster parents in trauma-informed parenting who then receive ongoing emotional and behavioral support from NHFC Ukraine.
Every child deserves to be loved and provided with safety, education, nutrition, proper care, and most importantly, a family.
We believe that in coordination with our local partners, we can deliver a safe and stable environment for Ukraine’s orphaned children to address the trauma they have endured, have access to quality resources and care, and live in a loving environment throughout the war and while the country begins to rebuild.